
How much money is needed to invest in a concrete mixing plant

Investment in a concrete mixing plant how much money this is an unfixed amount, specifically, the size of the investment amount mainly by the following aspects: ①, the scale of concrete batching plant, including a few mixing stations, mixing station Area, the entire concrete mixing plant and other infrastructure equipment, etc., in this regard, the commercial concrete mixing plant than the average investment in the concrete mixing plant to increase the cost of their own goods station than the station equipment prices, plus goods Station supporting equipment, accounting for the area and so on. ②, pre-planned capacity of the concrete mixing plant. The expected production capacity of the mixing station is different, the amount of investment required is also different. Such as pre-planned production capacity is relatively large, which requires the number of equipment in the concrete mixing plant, raw material demand to meet certain requirements, which will increase the entire project capital investment. ③, regional differences are also different from the concrete mixing plant into one of the different factors. Different regional differences mainly affect the entire plant area and the staff of the salary expenditure of these two, the greater the regional differences, the requirements of the funds are also different.

